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Supernovae Rates
- is the fundamental means widely used in astronomy for determining the space distribution of objects of different kinds, mostly galaxies, quasars, radiosources and gamma-ray bursters. For a homogeneous space distribution of sources, - is a linear law with slope 3/2 (in other words, because and , where R is a distance to sample source). If the slope is less than 3/2, the sources are spatially concentrated towards the observer; in contrast, if it exceeds 3/2, a deficit of sources in the neighborhood of the observer should exist.
In the case of supernova explosions, it is more reasonable to use the stellar magnitude m instead of . Then, for the homogeneous space distribution of sources, the - dependence would be , where C is some constant.
However, for distant objects - depends not only on the space distribution of the sources, but also on some other factors. The first is the cosmological space-time curvature which changes the S(R) and N(R) laws, and the second is the proper evolution of the source luminosity and rate.